The Junior Eurovision security plan is based on two major axes:
A reinforced health security protocol
A strict sharing of the sanitary rules and procedures in force:
All delegations are bound by the same health rules throughout the event, including the French delegation.
These rules are set out precisely in a written procedure and are included in a charter that all participants undertake to respect by signing it. Any breach of one of these rules may result in exclusion from the competition.
Prior to the week of the event, the delegations are clearly invited to respect a self-isolation during the 7 days preceding their arrival at the hotel.
A methodical screening strategy:
All delegations undergo a PCR or antigenic screening test within 24 hours prior to arrival (excluding children under 12 years of age), regardless of their vaccination status.
All participants, whatever their age, their direct entourage, the organizers and the production will be screened every 2 days from December 13 (PCR-SR or antigenic) by a dedicated vaccination center within the hotel and at the Seine Musicale.
French technical staff are also encouraged to undergo these screenings.
The generalized health pass:
All persons accessing the accommodation, performance and entertainment sites are required to have a health pass. Access to these venues is subject to prior verification of the validity of the passes.
A watertight sanitary bubble:
In order to reduce as much as possible any exposure of the delegations to a risk of contamination, their modalities of stay are as follows:
- Travel in private vehicles
- Separate accommodation areas within the hotel
- Meals will be organized exclusively on an alternating basis and taken between each delegation in the hotel or at the Seine Musicale
- Rigorous zoning within the Seine Musicale and a heavy accreditation system excluding any mixing of flows
- Pacing of rehearsals
- Absence of cultural outings or limitation to private outings
- Respect of barrier gestures: constant wearing of masks, physical distancing, cleaning of hands and spaces
Permanent support:
In order to guarantee its well-being and to deal in real time with all the subjects linked to the organization or the unfolding of the event, each delegation will benefit from the constant supervision of staff made available by France Télévisions.
3 COVID19 referents will be more specifically dedicated to dealing with all issues and to ensuring that the health protocol is respected at all times on site, in conjunction with the group's security department.
Real-time health care:
Any detection of a positive case of COVID19 or of any other pathology within a delegation will be dealt with at first instance by our dedicated medical team.
An isolation measure will be applied for the person(s) concerned in a dedicated room(s) and a medical follow-up initiated.
In the case of a distinct pathology, doctors will be consulted and will usefully direct the patients towards the appropriate structures. The Ambroise Paré Hospital in BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, with its pediatric emergency department, is our reference and local hospital service.
A reinforced security system
Guaranteeing the safety of the delegations and teams involved in the organization of the EUROVISION JUNIOR is a priority for France Télévisions.
The system is therefore based on a combination of measures and procedures.
A close partnership with the security forces:
As of the preparatory phase, the forces of order and the security services of our essential providers were associated with the design of our device in order to:
- Analyze the risks as best as possible
- Develop a joint security strategy
- Evaluate the means to be used
- Anticipate a possible crisis
In this way, permanent exchanges with the management and security representatives of our accommodation sites (hotels) and performance sites (Seine Musicale) have been instituted in order to adjust the agreed processes.
The internal security forces, represented by the Prefecture of Police, the National Police Station and the Municipal Police of BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, have also been associated with our approach and have confirmed their contribution to the security of the public space throughout the week and during the public performances.
In concrete terms, the security measures are based on the following fundamentals
Strict control of access:
This control concerns all the areas frequented by the delegations whatever the means of access (pedestrian or by vehicle).
It is based on a rigorous accreditation system corresponding to different levels of access authorization depending on the purpose of each person's presence on site.
An accreditation center managed by a person in charge will be set up throughout the event at La Seine Musicale.
At the Seine Musicale, accesses and entrances will be specifically reserved for each category of participants (delegation, technical staff, site administration, etc.).
A surveillance of the flows:
Inside the sites: It will be mainly operated by the private security services of the sites and completed by a France Televisions service provider in order to impose a strict sealing between the zones (technical, show, life).
The public is subject to thorough security checks using all human, technical and logical means: visual control and security palpation, metal detection, use of video-protection cameras, prohibition of dangerous objects.
Outside the sites: on December 18 and 19, access to the Ile Seguin will be limited to accredited vehicles only.
The various police services are in charge of security and maintaining public order.